Blurred or double vision/loss of vision

Blurred or double vision/loss of vision


  • Visual abnormalities are common in children – most are not caused by a brain tumour.
  • When looking for signs of a brain tumour, there are two main types of visual abnormality to be aware of: changes to vision, such as blurred or double vision and abnormal eye movements.

If a child has blurred or double vision, they may not be able to describe this, but may behave differently to help them to see. They might, for example, narrow their eyes when focusing, cover one eye with their hand, turn their head in unusual ways, or look sideways instead of forwards.

Older children may not recognise or be able to notice deterioration in their eyesight, but again their behaviour may indicate that they are having problems seeing, for example:

  • Reduced awareness of people or objects in front of them or to the sides.
  • Reduced ability to focus on people and/or to follow moving objects with their eyes.
  • Increased stumbling or bumping into things as they move around.
  • Being clingy in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Reduced confidence or avoidance of a crowded play ground or team games.
  • Choosing to sit closer to the television to watch it.
    Nursery or school staff may notice changes during class activities that involve visual signals or information e.g. reading ability.

If you're concerned about their symptoms, it's best to get them checked out by your GP or book an eye check at a local optician. Further information about eye problems and eye health can be found at NHS Choices.

Feeling Worried?

Are the symptoms exhibited persistent e.g. lasting more than two weeks?


Arrange an appointment with your GP as soon as possible


Request an immediate consultant referral as soon as possible

If the symptoms or signs are sudden onset or severe, either take them to the emergency department or call 999