Balance/co-ordination/walking problems

Balance/co-ordination/walking problems


  • Babies and young children develop movement skills, also known as motor skills (e.g. sitting, walking, running), at different rates and it is normal to see a variation between children in the age at which they develop these skills.
  • A loss of previously-attained motor skills (motor regression) or a reduction in motor skills may be caused by a serious illness, including a brain tumour.
  • Some babies and young children with balance or movement problems may stop walking and revert to cruising or crawling; doctors describe this as a regression (loss of) motor skills.

Feeling Worried?

Are the symptoms exhibited persistent e.g. lasting more than two weeks?


Arrange an appointment with your GP as soon as possible


Request an immediate consultant referral as soon as possible

If the symptoms or signs are sudden onset or severe, either take them to the emergency department or call 999.